World In a Bottle

3D Model

I participated in 32nd CG Boost Challenge with the topic “World in a Bottle” in November 2021. This was my entry.

I like to bake in my free time, but especially around Christmas time. When I read the description of this challenge all I could think of was a gingerbread village.

I started with modeling the gingerbread man, then moved on to the house, the trees, the gingerbread woman, and the rest of the environment. While I was setting up my scene, I felt like something was missing. I then came up with the idea of having one cookie on a plate reaching for help from the cookies in the jar.

This is the first big project I worked on with this many elements without following a tutorial. Working on this almost every night for the 3 weeks of the challenge has helped me familiarize myself with the tools and become quicker when adding or editing elements in the scene.

These are the steps I took to create the final addition.

Phase 1. Jar is far away from camera. House and gingerbread people are in the jar.

Phase 1

The jar is far from the camera with no lid, and the gingerbread house is missing a lot of detail. There is a gingerbread man and gingerbread woman in the jar with the house.

Phase 2. Same as phase 1 but there are cookie trees and the gingerbread house has two windows on the front

Phase 2

The gingerbread house has two windows on the front. There are cookie trees of various sizes around the gingerbread house

Similar to phase 2 but there is a lid

Phase 3

The jar has a lid and a few more trees have been added.

Similar to phase 3 but the jar is closer to the camera and the gingerbread man and woman have switched places.

Phase 4

The camera is closer to the jar. The gingerbread man and woman have switched places.

Similar to phase 4 but the gingerbread house has more details on the roof and the door is added to the front

Phase 5

The gingerbread house has roof details and the front door added to it.

Similar to phase 5

Phase 6

Peppermint candies have been added to the walkway in front of the gingerbread house and one is added to the front of the gingerbread house. 

Phase 7. Similar to phase 6 but the peppermint candy on the house was changed to a wreath and a plate with a gingerbread man was added to the left of the jar

Phase 7

The peppermint candy on the house was changed to a wreath and a plate with a gingerbread man was added to the left of the jar.

Phase 8. Similar to phase 7 but the plate is red on the inside

Phase 8

The plate is red on the inside with a gold trim.

Phase 9. The camera is closer the the jar, the plate is in the background and the render aspect ratio has been changed to 1:1

Phase 9

The camera is closer the the jar, the plate is in the background, the plate has less gold around the trim , the gingerbread man on the plate is bigger, and the render aspect ratio has been changed to 1:1

Phase 10. The gingerbread man on the plate is laying on his stomach reaching for the jar with a leg detached

Phase 10

The gingerbread man on the plate is laying on his stomach reaching for the jar with a leg detached

Phase 11. The jar lid was made smaller.

Phase 11

The jar lid was made smaller to look more like a bottle shape. This was the final image that was submitted.

Wireframe and clay version


When I submitted the final I also had to include a clay version of the scene with wireframes to prove I created this scene.

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I'm a Multimedia Developer. I problem solve with creativity!

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