Sugar Shack Sticker

Maple Syrup Bottle Label

I was asked to make a label for a family that makes maple syrup. They wanted their bottles to be identifiable next to other homemade maple syrup. 

The first thing I did was to find out the look and feel they were going for and what text they wanted to appear on the label. They wanted the name, some key points, a sketch of the sugar shack, and if there was space, the location to appear on the sticker. The name went back and forth before landing on “Kellar’s Sugar Shack.”

I went through a few designs before coming up with the final look of the sticker. Once I had everything finalized it was time to send the file to a print company. Once the 3″ stickers arrived and we started putting them on the bottles and I held a little photoshoot of a bottle with the sticker on it. Below are some highlights from the photo shoot and the digital version of the final design.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

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